Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hello Dallas!

There has been this temptation to go search Alfreds name... Just to see if there is maybe a hint at where we might end up. But I refrain. This free agency thing has painfully drug on much to my surprise. It seems so simple when you are only considering yourself, but then you step away and realize that your little world is only a tiny piece to this very large NFL puzzle. 

Some days when the phone would ring, my heart would jump and I would be ecstatic just to hear the latest development or team interested in us. Other days, when time began to drag on and the interest seemed minimal, I found my excitement dulling. Let's be honest, words are easier than action. So I found myself in the first few days easily saying we are trusting in God and His plan. But, was I REALLY trusting? 

By day three I found myself really exhausted. A lot of people we knew were already committed to teams and had their contracts worked out and I was frustrated with the lack of progress and truthfully the lack of interest in Alfred. Could one year of a team devaluing him do this much damage?! 

By day four I was FINALLY searching for God's gracious peace. Oh how I needed it. A potential business opportunity hadn't panned out the way we wanted it to that week and to top it off we had no team and all I needed was peace! The reality that things weren't going how I anticipated left us without the comfort of answers, as if these answers were going to fix everything. 

Side note: peace doesn't come from knowing your future, having a home or knowing where the next team is, PEACE COMES FROM GOD!

Every journey is a lesson, and God seems to always be teaching me about patience, faith and His endless grace. Free agency alone has been a lesson to me. A lesson to truly let go and let God. To stop worrying, wondering and digging for hints, & to just be!! Just be in the moment enjoying my little family, and the simple things in life like farmers markets, picnics and working out. 

After what seems like the longest free agency of life, we are proud to announce we are headed to Dallas, Texas!