For Women:
The Lifegiving Home - This book is full of ideas for intentionally making your home a refuge that is life giving, restorative, and a blessing to all who dwell within it and all who enter as guests. Its broken down by months, and shares specifics of what they do through out changing seasons, holidays, and birthdays to celebrate the big and the small.
Virtuous - This book is a wonderful study guide of virtues, based on scriptures from the Bible. Every single chapter is applicable to you regardless of your age or stage of life. Its an easy read, and perfect for a study group or just you on your own! The chapters are short... sign me up!
Learning Contentment - This is by Nancy Wilson, author of Virtuous. This entire book was such a gut check for me. It challenges your definition of contentment and really challenges growth in finding contentment even when you don't have the most ideal conditions.
For the Wifey:
The power of a praying wife has been my best tool in learning how to support and lift up Alfred in prayer. This book goes through short chapters on specific areas that need prayer, and pulls scriptures to help encourage and teach on this topic. Each chapter finishes by a one page prayer that teaches you how to pray using scripture. Life changer. Best prayer teaching book i've yet to purchase... basically my in football season life line.
For the Mama:
Hands Free Mama - To sum this up, we are missing out on life because of screens. This book alone convinced me to quit carrying my phone for 2 months straight in 2017 and had me only looking at it during nap time and after Josiah was asleep at night. When I put my phone down, I saw what I was really missing. Don't sacrifice feeling alive and present for people who aren't even in the same room as you. I may have a refresher of that this Spring of 2018.
Never Say No - This book is actually written by (the band) Switchfoot's parents. I read this when Josiah was just a baby but really loved the way they encourage letting your kids be themselves, dreaming big, about creating an environment of community for your kids to witness and experience. And they love Jesus!